
Working Papers

Artificial Intellingence and Algorithmic Price Collusion in Two-sided Markets

Cristian Chica, Yinglong Guo and Gilad Lerman


PDF (2024)

Dynamic Competition for Customer Memberships

Cristian Chica, Julian Jimenez-Cardenas and Jorge Tamayo

Accepted for publication at the Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

Newest Draft (2024)    Codes: Subgames.nb     Limits.nb    Old Draft: HBS Working Paper (2021)

Competition and Collusion in Two-Sided Markets with an Outside Option

Cristian Chica, Yinglong Guo and Gilad Lerman

R&R International Journal of Industrial Organization

PDF (2023)

Exclusive Dealing and Entry by Competing Two-Sided Platforms 

Cristian Chica, Kenneth Chuk and Jorge Tamayo

R&R International Journal of Industrial Organization

HBS Working Paper (2021)     New Draft Coming Soon

Publications (Pre - Ph.D.)

Cristian Chica, Fernando Morales, Carlos Osorio, Daniel Cabarcas (2022). "A big data based method for pass rates optimization in mathematics university lower division courses", Accepted for Publication in SN Computer Science.

Master Thesis in Mathematics

(2020) Some Aspects of the Obstacle Problem, Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín

Advisor: Carlos Augusto Vélez López. Co-Advisor: Luis Felipe Duque Álvarez.